Inspiring Wisdom – Timeless Quotes from Tom Petty

You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won’t back down.

It’s good to be king, even for a day.

I won’t back down, I will stand my ground.

The waiting is the hardest part.

You don’t have to live like a refugee.

It’s a long day, livin’ in Reseda.

Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks.

All the vampires walkin’ through the valley.

I guess I’m just a bad boy, ‘cause I don’t care.

You can’t take it with you, but you can enjoy the ride.

The stakes are high, the water’s rough.

Music is the refuge of souls angry with circumstance.

You belong among the wildflowers.

Don’t come around here no more.

Even the losers get lucky sometimes.

I’ve learned one thing: life is nature’s way of keeping us all honest.

Life is like a river, you have to keep swimming.

There’s a heartbreaker waiting for you to find her.

Change is the only constant; so embrace the whirlwind.

A dream is a wish your heart makes, so dream on.

Time to move on, time to get going.

Running down a dream, that never would come to me.

I’m free, free fallin’.

You never slow down, you never grow old.

Sometimes I’m afraid, sometimes I’m brave.

It’s just a matter of time before we get our chance.

Don’t let your dreams be dreams.

Music is the heartbeat of the world.

Underneath the sky, we’re all connected.

If it’s too loud, you’re too old!

Hope is a thing that often gets misplaced.

Watch your back, they might be right behind you.

Living in a world of uncertainty takes guts.

It’s all about the journey, not the destination.

Stay away from anything that could take you away.

Heroes are made, not born.

Stay true to yourself, and the rest will follow.

Keep your head above water and your heart afloat.

You’ll never know unless you try.

The clouds may be dark, but they never last.

Fight for what’s right, but know when to let go.

Sometimes we find ourselves in the strangest of places.

Life is a dance, embrace every step.

Even stars burn out, but their light lingers.

A song can change everything; let it play.

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