Timeless Wisdom – Inspiring Quotes by Samuel Johnson

Words are the dress of thoughts; without them, ideas wander naked.

Curiosity is the mother of all knowledge; let it lead your journey.

A person who has not traveled imagines that they know everything.

True wisdom lies in knowing what you do not know.

The road to knowledge is wrought with the stones of experience.

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Patience is the companion of wisdom.

Emotional depth often comes from the simplicity of the heart.

Joy seldom lingers that isn’t shared.

A man is in general a better writer than he believes himself to be.

It is the part of a good man to render every man his due.

The dog is the only being that loves you more than himself.

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

He who borrows sells his freedom.

Life is a journey; make sure your path is lined with joy.

Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

Walking in someone else’s shoes reveals the true essence of humanity.

The happiest conversations are those of strangers.

Time is the most valuable currency; spend it wisely.

The goodness in life often hides behind the curtain of habit.

Anger is a short-lived madness; tranquility is the true state of the mind.

Gratitude unlocks the door to the heart’s treasure.

A wise man listens more than he speaks.

Friendship is a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

Adversity is the best teacher; embrace its lessons.

The battle of life is fought with the weapons of thought.

A true friend is like a mirror, reflecting our best selves.

Imagination is the eye of the soul.

Discoveries often arise from the dust of ordinary days.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events.

Life is a theater, and we are merely players on its stage.

A clear conscience is the softest pillow.

Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die today.

Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Compassion is the language of the heart, understood by all.

Your thoughts shape your universe; choose them wisely.

The essence of education is to awaken the mind.

Hope is the anchor of the soul.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing; seek depth, not surface.

Wisdom is the treasure that never rusts.

Belief in oneself is the first step towards greatness.

The seeds of great thoughts are sown in silence.

Laugh at the days to come; joy is a choice.

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