Inspiring and Controversial Quotes from The Wolf of Wall Street

The only thing standing between you and your dream is the will to try.

I’m not going to die in a ditch somewhere.

Sell me this pen.

There’s no nobility in poverty.

We’re not an investment firm; we’re a sales firm.

Money doesn’t just buy you a better life… it also makes you a better person.

Life is a game, and I’m playing to win.

You show me a pay stub, and I’ll show you a reason to smile.

The money is like a drug; the more you have, the more you need.

Don’t judge me by my successes; judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up.

I am in the business of making dreams come true.

The market is a wild stallion; I just ride it.

You’ll never find a more loyal friend than money.

I’m a very rich man, and I’ll tell you why.

Success is about climbing the ladder, but it’s also about making your own.

In this world, you either take or get taken.

My colleagues are my family, and we thrive together.

You have to hustle while you still have the energy.

There is no limit to what we can achieve if we don’t care who gets the credit.

The greatest risk is not taking one.

To sell is to serve; to serve is to succeed.

We’re not just trading stocks; we’re trading lives.

Get rich, or die trying — that’s the Wall Street mantra.

Don’t let fear stop you from stepping into your greatness.

Success is the best revenge.

I’m not here to babysit anyone. Get on board or get out of the way.

We’re all about the hustle, not the hassle.

The stock market is like a carnival; it’s all about knowing the right games.

Fortune favors the bold, but it rewards the clever.

You have to be willing to lose it all to win big.

Dream big, work hard, play harder.

In business, it’s eat or be eaten.

You can’t chalk up success without a few bruises.

The office is my jungle, and I’m the king.

Every dollar has a story; let’s make it a bestseller.

The grind never stops; neither do I.

Behind every financial guru is a relentless dreamer.

If you want something, go grab it; it won’t come to you.

We’re the architects of our financial futures.

Life is too short to be ordinary; take the risk.

You have to be a little insane to thrive in this industry.

We rise by lifting each other; let’s build an empire.

Warriors are forged in the fires of competition.

If you’re not first, you’re last.

A day without hustling is a day wasted.

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