Wisdom from George Costanza – Memorable Quotes that Define a Classic Character

It’s not a lie if you believe it.

Serenity now, insanity later.

I’m not a bad guy; I’m just a good guy with bad luck.

I can’t be a ‘yes’ man; I’m more of a ‘no’ guy.

Nothing is the most exciting thing of all.

If I can’t be successful, I’d rather be doing nothing.

The opposite of success is not failure; it’s mediocrity.

Sometimes, you just have to embrace the chaos.

It’s all about the presentation; even a dreary truth can be dressed up.

I’m never wrong; I’m just ‘misunderstood.’

I’m a man of many disguises; most of them are just my worries.

Why be a part of the solution when you can be part of the problem?

Life is like a buffet: choose wisely or go hungry!

Being an underachiever is exhausting; I prefer to lounge.

Why tackle the world when you can just avoid it?

It’s all about the timing, and I’m always fashionably late.

Success is overrated; I prefer the thrill of the chase.

I’m not antisocial; I’m just pro-solitude.

The more you care, the more you suffer; sometimes ignorance is bliss.

In a world of superheroes, I’m just looking to be an understated sidekick.

Why climb the ladder of success when you can chill in the basement?

Every silver lining has a cloud; I’m just here to point it out.

A day without conflict is a day wasted.

American dreams are just dreams; I prefer couch surfing.

If you’re going to fail, fail spectacularly.

Life is a game, and I’m still figuring out the rules.

I don’t need to win; I just need to not lose.

Sometimes, the best adventure is just staying in.

Compromise is overrated; I prefer staunch stubbornness.

Why worry about the future? The present is already a mess!

Every day is an opportunity to lower your standards.

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back—kind of.

Who needs a plan when you have spontaneity?

I’m not grumpy; I’m just passionately disillusioned.

You can’t spell ‘success’ without ‘cess.’

Leave no stone unturned—and definitely do not turn over the couch cushions.

In my world, a ‘no-show’ is a valid form of showing up.

Why go the extra mile when you can just take a nap?

I’m a level five procrastinator—presidentially certified!

When life gives you lemons, let them rot on the counter.

I aim for the stars, but I’m perfectly content lounging under them.

All’s fair in love and avoiding responsibilities.

Why fit in when you can stand out awkwardly?

To be normal is boring; I prefer my chaos mildly legendary.

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door…and then never open it.

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